RCosD Fellowship with Dr Mark Mobius!

Thank you Dr. Mark Mobius!

Our club was elated to host Dr Mark Mobius for the evening at our latest fellowship. The proceedings were coordinated by Director Nicole Purin and supported by Director Feras Salibi with the purpose of raising funds for our Infinite Happiness project.



Dr Mobius generously shared his wisdom with the 80+ attending guests including many business owners, investors and other members of the financial and business communities. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food and listened with rapt attention as Dr Mobius had a “fireside chat” with our very own Rotary Cosmopolitan Dubai President, Mr. David Gibson-Moore.

Among many pearls of wisdom, he shared an encouraging quote from the late Mr. John Templeton that, “the markets belong to the optimistic” which resonated with the excited crowd.

Following this, the guests were entertained with a live auction hosted by Director Malachi Halliday.

The items auctioned were books written and signed by Dr Mobius himself and two generous bidders supported the Infinite Happiness cause. Special thanks to the winning bidders Abdulrazzaq Al Abdullah, The Chairman of Mint Group and Mr. Andrea Cattaneo. Your immense generosity will make substantial impact in the lives of the children supported by our Infinite Happiness program.

For more information on the Infinite Happiness program, all are welcome to join our next event and ask any of our Directors about how to get involved.

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